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Common Issues

Can you replace MacBook screen/display?

Yes. Whether you have a MacBook, MacBook Air, or MacBook Pro, the screen can be replaced. Depending on the version, this could mean the entire display assembly has to be replaced or the glass and LCD/LED display can be replaced separately.

To go into further detail, most laptops released before 2013 have glass that is separate from the display. Apple’s MacBook and MacBook Pro with Retina displays are adhered to the glass, meaning the entire display assembly will need to be replaced.

Can you upgrade the RAM in a MacBook?

Maybe. This really depends on the model you have. It is possible to replace the memory modules (RAM) on most apple laptops that were released before 2013. MacBook Air and any MacBook or MacBook Pro with a Retina display will have the memory soldered to the logic board, making it impossible to upgrade.

Why is my MacBook Pro screen black?

This could be one of several things. If the device had taken a big fall recently, you could have damaged the LCD/LED display. If you don’t suspect any physical damage to the screen, try powering the device down by holding the power button down for about 10 seconds (if you have a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, hold the Touch ID button down instead). Unplug any accessories or external monitors from the computer and restart. If you still do not have any success, it most likely is related to the display.

Why won’t my MacBook load/start?

Always make sure your computer is either plugged into a working power adapter or has a charged battery. You can attempt to reset the SMC by following these steps for your MacBook, MacBook Air, or MacBook Pro:

  1. Make sure the laptop is turned off.
  2. Press Shift, Control, and Option on the left side of the built-in keyboard, along with the power button. Hold these keys and buttons down for 10 seconds. (If you have a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, hold the Touch ID button down for the power button.)
  3. Release all keys and wait 5 seconds.
  4. Press the power button again.

If you are still having issues powering the device, it may be hardware related. In that event we suggest you bring it in to your local Multivendor to troubleshoot.

Why is my iPhone loading so slow?

Several factors can cause your iPhone to slow down on you.

  • If you are running on the last little bit of space available on your iPhone, it may be struggling to find places to cache (temporarily store) data.
  • If you have many services running in the background, you may want to limit what apps have permission to run in the background through your phone settings.
  • Your iOS may be too demanding for the iPhone version you are using. Some features are disabled for older versions of iPhone because of this reason, but that doesn’t mean other features won’t slow it down. If you have updated your iOS four or five times since you have received the phone, it may be time to get a newer iPhone.
  • Depending on the age and what version iPhone you have, you may just need to replace the battery. Apple, by default, throttles the speed of iPhone processors once the battery health has reached a certain point. Bring it in to your local Multivendor to have them test the battery to see if you are in need of a replacement.